Being creative is not just about being artistic, it is not just about creation of things and/or ideas, but it is also about imagination and innovation. Imagination is the only limit, but on the other hand, we all know that our imaginations have no limit. Ironic, right? 

Each and everyone of us is creative in our own special ways and we might not think of it as that, we may not feel like it, but we truly are. So here are some things to remember for us to stay creative in our own ways:

1. Think outside the box. Take this simple test to know how creative your mind works: You can see nine dots in the picture. Your goal is to connect all nine dots using only four lines, without disarranging the position of the dots.
When you look at it, you might think that it's very impossible to connect all dots with just four lines, but when you think outside the box...
Many people tend to not see the bigger picture and just settle for what was served to them, which is not a very good thing. You need to look beyond and see all sides and angles. When you start to view things differently and see all the possibilities, then you will notice how your life will change. Your ideas will be the start of great and wonderful things, and until then, you will be living in a much colorful and creative life.

2. Do it.
Courage and confidence are also necessary to stay and be creative. Being brave, confident, and self-efficacious are the characters of creative people. It is not about what people will think about you, it is about thinking what is better and what will help or benefit everyone. Don't just sit there and do nothing when you know you can do something about it. If you are not going to do it, then who will?

3. Enjoy and be happy!
You can never be creative when you do not enjoy what you are doing. Having fun while you work is like being productive without having to do anything. Doing your job without any effort is such a very nice thing to do. You will never feel like you are working if you love what you are doing and you are definitely happy about it. We can say that happiness comes with creativity, and vice versa. These two were like intertwined with each other and inseparable no matter what.

Learning is a process that brings both personal and environmental experiences and influences for acquiring, enriching or modifying an individual’s values, attitudes, knowledge, skills, behavior and world views.
One example of identities that has gone through a lot before having a big name today is Walt Disney. His experiences of countless rejection, to his continuous trials until his undeniable success proves that he did not just learned but we can also learn from his. Let’s take a look at the characters from Disney and see what Disney says.

"As you go through life you'll see, there is so much that we don't understand." –Simba (The Lion King II)

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"You can get it if you really want, but you must try try and try. You'll succeed at last." –Sebastian (Little Mermaid Series)

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"Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes." –Belle (Belle's Magical World)

"I keep making mistakes like that. I'm awful, and annoying." –Sadness (Inside Out)

"Life is adventure, live every day to the fullest. Hold onto the good times, let all the bad times fall behind you." - Pocahontas

"Our fate lies within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it." - Princess Merida, Brave

"If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around!" - Gusteau, Ratatouille

"Man has always learned from the past. After all, you can't learn history in reverse!" - Archimedes, The Sword in the Stone

"Laughter is no enemy to learning." - Walt Disney

"We never do the same thing twice around here. We're always opening up new doors." 
–Walt Disney

"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me.... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." -Walt Disney*

The 21st century exploration of learning or skills has developed from the concern about transforming the goals and daily practice of learning to meet the new demands of the 21st century, which is characterized as knowledge and technology. The current discussion about 21st century skills leads classrooms and other learning environments to encourage the development of core subject knowledge as well as new media literacies, critical and systems thinking, interpersonal and self-directional skills.**

*Walt Disney. (2013, December 4). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from

**Source: The Office of Learning and Teaching, 2004. Melbourne: Department of Education and Training; OECD, 2010. Nature of Learning, Paris: Author;

The ability to whistle is genetic but can be practiced.

Have you ever wondered about having an Eidetic memory? Or having an extraordinary intelligence in Mathematics? Or having the most brilliant mind in America’s top university? Or obtaining the genius level IQ and then work as a janitor? Spend your time in bars drinking with friends. Reject job interviews. Be in jail several times. Miss the lessons in life. Never reach your potentials. Ever thought of those? Ever heard of Will Hunting?

Well, this kind of movie in the 1997 is fantastic, worth the time and totally an Oscars winning film. Recommendable to watch? Absolutely. To be suggested to people with cinephilia? Definitely.

Let’s go through the lines from the movie. Scrutinize how good the writers are—Damon and Affleck. I compiled some, put a reflection with it and hoped to inspire you readers as it also inspired me as a person.

May the hunt for goodwill begin.

1. "You'll have bad times, but it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to." -Sean

There is always a purpose to every events happening in your life. You must not focus on the negative side of things, but instead, focus on what made you happy. Let's take the idea of dementors in the Harry Potter book series by J. K. Rowling, dementors suck out every good feeling and happy memory from you and leaves you the worst experiences of your life, but the idea of single happy memory can oppose and drive them away. Focus on the things that motivates you and always look on the bright side of the picture.

2. "You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you're afraid to take the first step because all you see is the negative thing 10 miles down the road." -Sean

You must be willing to take a chance no matter what, because you never known how perfect something could turn out to be. You need to have faith and courage to do things. It is better to live a life full of "oh wells", than a life full of "what ifs". Regrets are always in the end so you need to take every chance given to and don't waste it.

Attachment Theory with respect to Will

Attachment theory is accepted by most psychologists and psychiatrists as the best explanation for how we develop the capacity to form relationships with others and relate to our environment.

Early attachment is established in infancy and is primarily based on the acknowledgment and gratification of basic biological needs. Once attachment is securely established, the role of the primary caregiver changes to helping the infant learn to identify and become comfortable with its various feelings. Attachment becomes disorganized and dysfunctional in the presence of neglect or abuse.

Will Hunting has a classic attachment disorder because he was abused as a child. This gave him a hard time to develop meaningful relationships with adults and women. He has no empathy for people outside his close group of friends. He cannot manage his basic emotions, such as anger for he will assault them either verbally or physically. Will's anger is one of many defenses that mask his inner self and his subconscious is determined that no one will be able penetrate these defenses and hurt him again.

When Sean asks Will to name the people with whom he has strong relationships other than Chuckie, Will names Shakespeare, Nietzsche and several other dead intellectual legends since these "friends" could not rise from the grave and hurt him.

3. "You're sitting on a winning lottery ticket and you're too big of a pussy to cash it in." -Chuckie

Do things while you can. There is no assurance in this world, we may die tomorrow or later, we'll never know that. We have no control on things, but we can control ourselves. We must be willing to take the risk and not settle for less than what we deserve. Take the chance and strive for it because sometimes, what we are looking for our whole life is right in front of us. It is better to try and fail, than not being able to try it at all. Because, what if Will did not give it a try for therapy?

Treatment to Disorder of Attachment

Therapist uses the phenomenon of "transference" to fill the gaps in the patient's attachment. It occurs when patients subconsciously transfer to their therapist the feelings and attitudes that they originally linked with their past. Sean, Lambeau’s colleague, re-parents Will and becomes the loving caregiver that Will never had. It's not just by-chance that Sean chooses to begin the treatment in the Boston Public Garden, a place where parents take young children for rides.

Abused children wonder why they are not loved like other children. They usually think that it must be something that they have done or due to some deficiency from which they suffer. To help Will overcome this misplaced but deeply felt sense of guilt, Sean confronts the illogic. He holds Will and reassures him, repeating, "It's not your fault. ... It's not your fault", helping Will to understands on an emotional level that he was not to blame for the abuse. The treatment process outlined in the movie stretches the limits of traditional therapy in which the therapist strictly recognizes a boundary between the therapist's life and that of the patient.

The success of the treatment occurs when Will has enough self-confidence to accept the love offered by Skylar and to take a chance on the relationship by venturing out of the Boston area to live with her in California.

What’s your favourite line in the movie? Do you have one? Here are the other memorable lines that you could check on. You can even do your own reflection. I would love to hear from you too.

“People call those imperfections, but no, that's the good stuff.” –Sean 

“You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you're afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.” –Sean 

“Most days I wish I'd never met you 'cause then I could sleep at night. I didn't have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like you out there. I didn't have to watch you throw it all away.” –Lambeau  

“Maybe you are  perfect right now. Maybe you don't wanna ruin that. I think that's a super philosophy, Will; that way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody” -Sean

Your ‘ABCDE’ To Stay Alive In College
   Choosing your course in college plus deciding where to pursue college may have sent you sleepless nights. You may have passed the college entrance exam and that’s a half step of making it into the campus.
   Getting into college is hard, staying alive in college is harder, and above all finishing college is hardest. For college peeps or even those who will be incoming college, here is an ABCDE piece of advice to stay alive in college:

A – Ambition
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   Before getting into college, you must be clear about your ambition in order to clearly set your goals. For example you want to be an accountant in future, do not take Cosmetology. Assign HONESTLY and TRUTHFULLY your long term goals and set some short term goals to support your long terms for it will make it easier for you to see if there is a progress in the accomplishment of your long terms.

   Also, it’s better if you avoid shifting from one course to another to prevent waste of time, money, and effort.

B – Believe That You Can
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    You can never achieve anything without believing that you can. Believing and trusting are one of the keys of success. If you keep in your mind that Math is gruesome and your grades are never going to be friends with Math, it is most likely to happen. To share a simple formula, always keep in mind that Positive outlooks = positive outcomes. You need to keep on motivating yourself that you can do it.

    As learned from Mike Ditka, "Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy." - Mike Ditka

C – Cooperate with you schedule

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                 As much as being cooperative with other people, you must also cooperate with your schedule. Take your sched seriously and not just a piece of wall decoration. According to Jerandel Gaspar, Physics teacher in Nueva Ecija High School, put 80% of your effort and energy in your top priorities and the 20% in the less important things. Accomplish your priorities first otherwise you’ll end up consuming your energy with your extras and won’t have energy for your must do’s. Learn to say no in unessential things to avoid procrastination.

D – Diligence

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    "In college, all you need are diligence and perseverance. It's just a bonus thing when you're smart.", shared by Shane Ladao, alumni of University of the Philippines Baguio. Sometimes, the hardworking overthrows the born-smart. It will always be better if you continuously search for knowledge and then apply it for the good.

E - Energy
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     “Set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there”, said Bo Jackson.

     If you let the idea of laziness consume your being, things are most likely to turn boring and boredom gives a person the tendency to quit. Having the vibe to do things energetically can make your professors and classmates notice you more.

    These are just pieces of advice in staying alive during college. The end-process still depends on how you cultivate and apply these things in your life. When you take action now by developing urgency in your life, you’ll see yourself gradually moving towards your goals.

25 Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved August 22, 2015, from
Gaspar, J.M. (2014). Personal Interview.
Ladao, S. (2015). Personal Interview.
Goal Setting Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2015, from
In one homesickness prevention study, nearly 70% of thevariance in self-reported homesickness was accounted for byfactors that could be identified and addressed prior to the separation from home.

Source: Journal of American College Health, vol.60, no.5